8398 Easton Rd. Ottsville, PA
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Elderly Pets

Quality of Life Appointments

During their lifetime, a pet can undergo many changes. As they age, pets will often start to slow down, or have some difficulty getting around. During quality of life appointments, clients can discuss the specifics of their pet’s condition and the doctor can offer information on any measures that may be taken to improve the pet’s quality of life. For example, medication can sometimes help with incontinence and supplements or NSAIDs may be recommended for arthritis and mobility issues.



As animal lovers and pet owners ourselves, we know that the decision to euthanize a pet is one of the most difficult decisions an owner faces. When an owner has decided that it is time to say goodbye, we can make arrangements for an appointment at the clinic or for a doctor to do a house call.


Cremation Services


The loss of a pet is a very difficult and emotional time. While some owners opt for home burial, others choose cremation. We can handle the arrangements for these services, which are provided by Abbey Glen Pet Memorial Park, who also handles the transportation between our clinic and their facility. Whether you choose to have your pet’s ashes returned to you or to have Abbey Glen memorialize the cremains in their Memorial Park, you can trust that your pet will be treated with respect and dignity.